Studying Fashion Merchandising and Sustainability at the University of Georgia, I believe in slow fashion and strive to decrease the impact the industry has on our planet.

When I was just three years old, I insisted on aiding my Mom in completely DIY (before it was cool!) designing my Tinkerbell Halloween costume. I guess you could say that is where my passion for fashion, and designing was born. Throughout my childhood I spent more time dressing and crafting garments for my dolls, than actually playing with them.

When it came to declaring my college major, and essentially “What I wanted to do with my life,” I faced a bit of a dilemma. I’d always excelled in creativity and been drawn to the arts, but as I got older I started spending more time studying the environment, and how we were killing our planet. Through this, I began to research just how harmful the fashion industry is to our planet. Which is when my dilemma was solved-I realized I could combine both of my passions and seek a career in the Sustainable Fashion Industry.

As a student attending the University of Georgia, I am able to study both of these areas. Please navigate this webpage to see highlighted works from my Apparel Design and Digital Design classes, as well as personal projects.

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